
Our founding dietitian was awarded the Dietitians Australia President's Award for Innovation at Heartful Flavours
Our founding dietitian was awarded the Dietitians Australia President's Award for Innovation at Heartful Flavours

Dr Rebecca Luong was awarded the 2024 Dietitians Australia President's...

5 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure through Dietary Management
5 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure through Dietary Management

Find out about the 5 ways to lower blood pressure...

Heartful Flavours featured in Food Navigator Asia with article title Salt-free strategy: Heartful Flavours on a mission to reduce sodium levels with innovative Asian staples range
我们正在 Food Navigator Asia 上:无盐策略:Heartful Flavours 致力于通过创新的亚洲主食系列降低钠含量

阅读Food Navigator Asia上的相关内容,了解我们的产品 复制亚洲美食,但不损害健康和口味。

Heartful Flavours Featured in Inside FMCG with article title Heartful Flavours launches heart-healthy meal base
我们登上了《Inside FMCG》杂志:Heartful Flavours 推出有益心脏健康的膳食基料

请参阅《 Inside FMCG》杂志,了解我们推出的由营养师创立的有益心脏健康的膳食基础,全系列产品均获得五星健康评级。

Our founding dietitian shares tips on how to build healthy meals in any cuisine on Alive 90.5 FM Radio
我们的创始营养师在 Alive 90.5 FM 电台分享了如何制作任何菜系的健康膳食的秘诀


Why excess sodium intake is a problem and why we started Heartful Flavours
为什么钠摄入过量是一个问题以及我们为什么创办 Heartful Flavours

我们的创始营养师 Rebecca Luong 博士分享了 Heartful Flavours 背后的故事。

Salt Myths: Debunked


How long do our taste buds take to adapt to less salt/low sodium diet?

高盐摄入量与低盐味敏感度和高盐味阈值相关。我们的味蕾可以在 1-4 周内适应低盐/低钠饮食。

Our founding dietitian shares healthy eating tips on ABC News
我们的创始营养师在 ABC 新闻中分享健康饮食秘诀

观看我们的创始营养师 Rebecca Luong 博士在 ABC 新闻中分享一些关于健康饮食的有用技巧。可在 ABC 新闻与澳大利亚营养师网站和社交网站上获取。

Sodium Requirements and 5 Ways to Reduce Sodium Intake
钠需求量和减少钠摄入量的 5 种方法

我们对钠的需求是什么?减少钠摄入的 5 种方法是什么?我们只需要相对少量的钠,不需要在食品中添加更多。过量摄入钠会导致高血压。

What are the 9 Key Principles of a Healthy Dietary Pattern?
健康饮食模式的 9 个关键原则是什么?


The "Silent Killer": 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 8 children have high blood pressure (hypertension)

高血压,又称高血压,影响三分之一的成人和八分之一的儿童。它通常被称为“无声杀手”。根据一项全国调查,74% 的患者不知道自己患有高血压,而且可能没有明显的迹象或症状。
